Dyslexia Overview and Evaluation Tips *with bonus sample report*


Our Dyslexia Overview and Evaluation Tips resource serves as a quick reference guide that summarizes the nuts and bolts of what school psychologists need to know about dyslexia when planning their assessments. This resource delineates when to assess for dyslexia, the dyslexia subtypes, the developmental progression of phonological awareness, and a list of evaluation instruments in seven relevant areas that school psychologists can utilize in a comprehensive dyslexia evaluation (in English and Spanish).

Our sample report provides a comprehensive assessment of dyslexia including write-ups of phonological processing, orthographic processing, basic reading, reading fluency, and oral reading observations, as well as a thorough summary of the student’s eligibility. Our report also provides an example of user-friendly report writing that includes theme-based and synthesized results rather than test-based and test-by-test results, is strength focused and user-friendly, and provides evidence-based, practical recommendations.


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